Defining the Everyday Exercise mission

I was at a talk by Christopher Murphy recently (at the awesome HybridConf2015), where he spoke about the importance of defining your mission. It got me thinking that I should try to solidify the somewhat vague mission of Everyday Exercise and get it out there for all–especially me–to see.
You might think it’s a bit crazy that I’m doing this now, after the first version of the book has already been released. It is perhaps a bit backwards, I’ll give you that.
For me, this is more a matter of trying to define something that’s been rattling around in my heart and brain for a long time. I’ve never really forced myself to codify and express it before–it’s really bloody hard to do that–but pushing through discomfort is a running theme in my attitude to life at the moment and as I’ve said before, it keeps working out for the better.
This is a pretty short post by my standards, but hours of sweat has gone into it. The below mission statement might be draft 50 or 60 and I’m still not happy with it. Expressing a deep-seated feeling, desire and ambition in a short snappy line is really tough. I hope this gets at least 80% of the way there. Unfortunately, if my beloved Pareto principle is anything to go by, that extra 20% is going to take a hell of a lot more agony!
This could be updated in the future as it becomes clearer in my mind, but so far, here’s what I’ve got:
The mission is to help people lead healthier and more enjoyable lives in a friendly, sustainable fashion.
It’s a bit of a mouthful, and I won’t exactly be getting it printed on a line of t-shirts, but for now I think it’s the best I can do. Let’s break it down.
My mission is to help people
This is the big one, the important part. I’ve become a firm believer over the years that if you aren’t trying to actively help then you’ll get nowhere, and deservedly so. The world is a much better place if we all do our best to help each other, and I think it’s a good motivator for doing pretty much anything.
lead healthier
The health part nearly goes without saying, though it’s critical. Heart disease, obesity, depression, cancer – they’re massive problems for the world. Commonality doesn’t make them any less awful, and I’d love to do my bit to help fight against them. It’s a passion of mine.
and more enjoyable lives
Enjoyment is huge. Help is always more appreciated if it’s fun, and personally exercise has become a source of real pleasure in my life. I’d love to help other people bust out of their funks and feel that joy themselves.
in a friendly, sustainable fashion.
Everyday Exercise isn’t about telling everyone they have to go and run ultramarathons or be able to deadlift cars (though both of those are great goals and more power to you if you can do them).
It’s about making small changes, building easy habits on top of easy habits over time to evolve a fitter, more active overall lifestyle. This isn’t an alpha male, testosterone-fuelled message–at least not mostly–it’s supportive and encouraging. And that sustainability has to count for me, too. I have to find a way to balance this mission with the rest of my life and interests without burning myself out. I’m no help to anyone if I don’t approach this mission in a viable, fun way.
Even as I’ve broken it down here I’ve been editing it–writing is the best way to organise and clarify your thoughts that I’ve ever found–so this is most definitely a work in progress. I hope it does get across the overall aim with the book and the health-themed posts on this blog, and that you’ll all stick with me as the mission plays out.
If my mission strikes a chord, please share it with your friends and family. We can also share the mission. Let’s all level up–and help others to do so–together!
In blog-related meta-news, the first edition of my weekly newsletter went out yesterday morning. It collates the week’s posts and will include added goodies exclusively for subscribers. You can sign up below if you’re interested in receiving that, and I promise not to spam you.