And now I'm on The42!

On Thursday I stepped out of the Helix (where I was attending HybridConf 2015) and nervously paced around, waiting for a phone call. Much to the amusement of people trying to have serious conversations inside the Helix café, I jumped into some elbow levers on the benches and tried to shuffle along the railing on my hands while I waited. Exercise is great for settling nerves.
What it isn’t great for doing, as I have now learned, is getting me into “interview mode”.
Unfortunately for poor Ryan Bailey at The 42, I was definitely not warmed up when he rang to interview me about Everyday Exercise. I was rambling and long-winded and frequently went off into tangents, but somehow Ryan managed to turn it into a wonderful article for The42 (sister site to The Journal).
It’s a peculiar feeling to see yourself referred to by surname, and to see something you’ve worked on being discussed on such a national forum, but it’s a damn good one. A really heartening thing to come out of the experience is to see that when people hear about the book there is a real interest there and several copies were sold as a result of the exposure. It helps spur me on to do more work in the area. There’s something to this writing lark (he says, literally fulfilling childhood dreams)!
Huge thanks to Ryan and Steve at The 42, and to everyone who read the article and shared it around. Once again, the support that I and the book have received is just mind-blowing. It brings a real smile to my face.